pillow rests next to a vase of flowers

Are You Using the Proper Pillow?

At least 1/3 of our life is spent sleeping, so The Wellness Center of Boise feels that it is important to sleep on a pillow that supports and maintains the natural curve of your neck. There are lots of pillows to choose from, however, we highly recommend the “Proper Pillow”, which is designed specifically to…

Plan A becoming Plan B

Adjustments Make You Look and Feel Good!

Our building just got an ADJUSTMENT!! Check out our pics… Entry, Before, After, and New Parking Lot! We look and feel so much better! Imagine what you’d look and feel like if you came in for an adjustment too! If you’re not feeling good, there is a reason. Your body is trying to tell you…

104 year old man

104 Year Old Man…

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS on the TODAY show reports that by the year 2050, over 800,000 Americans will live to the age of 100 and many to 150! The chances are HUGE that you will live this long. With the types of cures and healthcare that we have in place today, we are healthier, but…

lower back pain

What’s Normal for Your Spine?

Your spine has been misaligned for so long that it actually considers THAT to be NORMAL. We are going to have to retrain your spine. Dr. Collin will start by performing a thorough exam, take special X-rays, and formulate a plan of care which will be individually designed for you to include a series of…